Charles Poston


Charles Poston

By: Sydney Rahn


Charles Poston made Arizona the 48th state in North America.  He can be rich and rude but he can still follow his heart warming dreams. Charles Poston is the most influenced because, he put Arizona on the map, he’s the father of Arizona, and wealthy but helped the state Arizona.

            Charles Poston put Arizona on the map because, he wanted to mine for copper and gold.  Arizona is on the map for a rude reason but he helped others. He wanted the gold but he still helped Arizona.  Charles Poston went to the president and said we need another state.  Abraham Lincoln agreed in which he called it one and only Arizona. 

            Charles Poston is the father of Arizona.  If we didn’t have Arizona we would be somewhere else.  There would only be 49 states.  Charles Poston made Arizona a state not just for himself but, someone else.  Charles Poston did something outstanding his life.  We wouldn’t have the excellent friends we have now.

            Charles Poston was a wealthy gold miner.  He gold mined in California and Arizona.  Charles Poston started building the Temple of the Sun with some of the gold but never finished.  He wanted to be wealthy because, I think it’s because, he lost his daughter and wife.  He is just was alone, heart broken.

            Charles Poston lost his family but, love is still in his heart.  He will remain that way until someone cares.  He needs to spend more money on others.  Not just him.  Charles Poston is the most influenced because, he put Arizona on the map, he’s the father of Arizona, and wealthy but, he helped others.  Follow all your dreams like Charles Poston did.